Update 2024-10-02 |
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Working Papers
"Love of Variety and Gains from Trade", with Christophe Gouel, European Economic Review, Volume 158, September 2023.
Code repository: https://doi.org/10.15454/U0QOAA. |
"Les effets de la guerre en Ukraine sur les marchés mondiaux de matières premières", with Yves Jégourel, Revue d'économie financière 147, October 2022, pp. 243-255. |
"Firms' Exports, Volatility and Skills: Evidence from France", with Maria Bas, Pamela Bombarda and Gianluca Orefice, European Economic Review, Volume 140, November 2021, 103941. |
"Competing liberalizations: tariffs and trade in the twenty-first century", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Houssein Guimbard, Review of World Economics, Vol. 155, Issue 4, 2019, pp 707–753 |
"Désaccords commerciaux internationaux : au-delà de Trump", Politique étrangère, No. 1/2019, pp. 57-69, Armand Colin. |
"International Trade Disagreements: Beyond Trump", Politique étrangère, No. 1/2019, pp. 57-69, Armand Colin. |
"Agricultural Trade Liberalization in the 21st Century: Has it Done the Business?", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70(1), pp. 3-25, 2018. Awarded European Association of Agricultural Economists' Quality of Policy Contribution Award in honor of Giovanni Anania, 2018. |
"Do regional trade agreements really boost trade? Evidence from agricultural products", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) 152, 477-499, 2016. |
"Optimal food price stabilisation in a small open developing country", with Christophe Gouel, World Bank Economic Review, 29 (1): 72-101, doi: 10.1093/wber/lht018, 2015. Awarded European Association of Agricultural Economists' Quality of Policy Contribution Award in honor of Giovanni Anania, 2015. |
"Product Market Regulation And Wage Premia In Europe And North America: An Empirical Investigation", with Giuseppe Nicoletti, International Economics, Vol. 144, pp. 1-28, 2015. |
"A general equilibrium, ex-post evaluation of the EU-Chile Free Trade Agreement", with Nanno Mulder and Maria Priscila Ramos, Economic Modelling, Vol. 41, pp. 33 - 45, 2014 |
"Trade Liberalization in the Bio-Economy: Coping with a New Landscape", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Agricultural Economics, Vol. 44(S1), pp. 173-182, 2013. |
"MAcMap-HS6 2007, an exhaustive and consistent measure of applied protection in 2007", with Houssein Guimbard, Mondher Mimouni and Xavier Pichot, International Economics / Economie internationale, No. 130, Vol. 2, pp. 99-121, 2012. |
"The Effects at Home of Initiating Production Abroad: Evidence from Matched French Firms", with Alex Hijzen and Thierry Mayer, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 147, 457-483, 2011. |
"Formulas and Flexibility in Trade Negotiations - Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO’s Doha Agenda", with David Laborde and Will Martin, World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 24(3), pp 500-519, 2011. |
"International Trade and Income Distribution: Reconsidering the Evidence", with Isabelle Bensidoun and Aude Sztulman, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 147(4), 593-619 (lead article), 2011. |
"The Unemployment Impact of Immigration in OECD Countries", with Miguel Jimenez, European Journal of Political Economy, 27(2) 241 - 256, 2011. |
"Migration and Labour Market Outcomes in OECD Countries", main author, with Orsetta Causa, Miguel Jiménez and Isabelle Wanner, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, 2010. |
"Assessing Applied Protection Across The World", with Antoine Bouët, Yvan Decreux, David Laborde and Lionel Fontagné, Review of International Economics, Vol. 16(5), pp. 850–863, 2008. |
"Die Landwirtschaft in den bilateralen Handelsabkommen der Europäischen Union" with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Volkswirtschaft n°11, pp. 14-18, 2007. |
"Binding Overhang and Tariff-Cutting Formulas: A Systematic, World-Wide Quantitative Assessment", with Mohamed Hedi B'chir and David Laborde, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Vol. 142(2), pp. 207-232, 2006. |
"The Consequences of Agricultural Trade Liberalization For Developing Countries: Distinguishing Between Genuine Benefits and False Hopes", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Alan Matthews, The World Trade Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 225-249, 2006. |
"Assessing the Impact of Multilateral Agricultural Liberalization: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round", with Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Yvan Decreux, The World Economy, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1329-1354, September 2005. Re-published in The World Economy – Global Trade Policy 2005, edited by D. Greenaway, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (UK) and Malden (MA), 2006, pp. 133-158. |
"Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Scenarios For the New Round and Assessment" with Lionel Fontagné and Jean-Louis Guérin, The World Economy, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1073-1094, July 2005. |
"La libéralisation des marchés agricoles, une chance pour les pays en développement ?" with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Estelle Gozlan, Revue française d’économie, Vol. XX, pp. 109-146, July 2005. |
"Trade and Relative Wages: What Can Be Learnt From CGE Models?" with Yvan Decreux and Jean-Louis Guérin, Integration and Trade, No. 18, Vol. 7, pp. 33-58, 2003. |
"Commerce international et salaires relatifs : les enseignements des modèles d’équilibre général calculables" with Yvan Decreux and Jean-Louis Guérin, Economie internationale, No. 94-95, 2003. |
"MIRAGE, un modèle d’équilibre général calculable pour l’évaluation des politiques commerciales", with Mohamed-Hedi Bchir, Yvan Decreux and Jean-Louis Guérin, Economie internationale, No. 89-90, pp. 109-153, 2002. |
"International Trade and Firms' Heterogeneity Under Monopolistic Competition", Open Economies Review, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.291-311, July 2002. |
"L'impact du commerce international sur l'élasticité-prix de la demande de travail" Economie et prévision, No. 152-153, pp. 17-28, 2002. |
"L'impact du commerce international sur la productivité et la qualification du travail au sein des secteurs" with Olivier Cortes, Revue d'économie politique, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 271-290, March-April 2001. |
"The Effect of International Trade on Labour-Demand Elasticities: Intersectoral Matters" The Review of International Economics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 504-516, August 2000. |
"Emploi : les enseignements de l'expérience néerlandaise" Economie et statistique, No. 332-333, pp. 133-157, August 2000. |
"Le marché du travail britannique vu de France" with Michel Fouquin and Aude Sztulman, Economie et statistique, No. 332-333, pp. 97-115, August 2000. |
"Sensibilité des salaires relatifs aux chocs de commerce international et de progrès technique : une évaluation d'équilibre général" with the collaboration of Olivier Bontout, Revue d'économie politique, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp. 241-271, March-April 1999. |
"Les échanges modifient la demande de travail" with Olivier Cortes, Economie et statistique, No. 301-302, February 1997, re-published in Problèmes économiques, No. 2565-2566, April 1998. |
"Progès technique, commerce international et emploi", with Olivier Cortes, Economie internationale, la revue du Cepii, No. 71, pp. 169-181, 1997. |
"L’impact du commerce extérieur sur le marché du travail : un débat renouvelé" with Olivier Cortes, Travail et Emploi, No. 70, March 1997, re-published in Problèmes économiques, No. 2517, June 1997. |
"Commerce international, emploi et productivité" with Olivier Cortes, Travail et emploi, No. 70, March 1997. |
"Echange international et marché du travail : une revue critique des méthodes d'analyse" with Olivier Cortes, Revue d'économie politique, May-June 1995. |
"Comment mesurer l'impact du commerce international sur l'emploi ? Une note méthodologique" with Olivier Cortes, Economie et statistique, No. 279-280, February 1995. |
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"L’arsenalisation des interdépendances" in Ramses 2024, Paris, Dunod/Ifri, p. 148-153, September 2023. |
"Vue d’ensemble : avec la Covid, en attendant l’après", in L'économie mondiale 2022, La Découverte, p. 7-23, 2021. |
"Les chaînes de valeur mondiales à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire", with Ariel Resheff and Gianluca Santoni, in L'économie mondiale 2021, La Découverte, p. 25-40, 2020. |
"Vue d’ensemble : état de choc", in L'économie mondiale 2021, La Découverte, p. 9-24, 2020. |
"Vue d’ensemble : un ralentissement sous haute tension", in L'économie mondiale 2020, La Découverte, p.7-24, 2019 |
"Le commerce international en crise systémique", in L'économie mondiale 2020, La Découverte, p.25-42, 2019 |
"Vue d’ensemble : une croissance sous tension", in L'économie mondiale 2019, La Découverte, p.7-20, September 2018. |
"La démondialisation n’aura pas lieu", in L’économie mondiale 2018, La Découverte, 2017. |
"Vue d’ensemble : le printemps… ou une hirondelle ?", in L’économie mondiale 2018, La Découverte, 2017. |
"Tariff Policies and the Progress Toward Open Markets for Agricultural Products" with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Houssein Guimbard, in Handbook on International Food and Agricultural Policy (General Editor: Tim Josling); Volume III: International Trade Rules for Food and Agricultural Products (Karl Meilke and Tim Josling) --- Chapter 6, 2017. |
"Co-ordination in Tense Times: Issues for the G7" with Anne-Laure Delatte, in Challenges for Global Macroeconomic Stability and the Role of the G7, edited by Fabrizio Saccomanni and Simone Romano, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2017, pp. 27-50. |
"Vue d’ensemble : la montée des tensions", in L’économie mondiale 2017, La Découverte, 2016. |
"Une brève histoire des mondialisations commerciales", with Jules Hugot and Michel Fouquin, in L’économie mondiale 2017, La Découverte, 2016. |
"Ralentissement du commerce mondial : vers une nouvelle ère de la mondialisation ? ", with Françoise Lemoine, in L’économie mondiale 2016, La Découverte, 2015. |
"On the gravity of the trade slowdown", with M. Crozet and C. Emlinger, in The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal?, edited by B. Hoekman, VoxEU and CEPR, 2015, pp. 179-196. |
"Moving Towards a Refined Special and Differential Treatment", in Simon J. Evenett & Alejandro Jara, ed., “Building on Bali: A Work Programme for the WTO-related”, VoxEU and CEPR, pp. 87-92, December 2013. |
"Les échanges transatlantiques dans la concurrence mondiale " with Deniz Unal, in CEPII, L'économie mondiale 2014, La découverte, 2013. |
"Do Yesterday’s Disciplines Fit Today’s Farm Trade?", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, in ICTSD, ed., Agriculture and Food Security Group; Proposals and Analysis; Geneva, Switzerland, 2013, pp. 18-37. |
"International trade, price volatility and standards for sustainability" main author, with Nicolas Bricas and Christophe Gouel, in Food System Sustainability; Insights from duALIne, edited by Catherine Esnouf, Marie Russel, and Nicolas Bricas, Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 158-175. |
"MAcMap-HS6 2007, an exhaustive and consistent measure of applied protection in 2007" with Houssein Guimbard, Mondher Mimouni and Xavier Pichot, in GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation, edited by Badri Narayanan and Terrie Walmsley, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University, 2012, Chapter 10D. |
"Commerce international, volatilité des prix et alimentation durable", main author, in collaboration with Nicolas Bricas and Christophe Gouel, in Catherine Esnouf; Marie Russel & Nicolas Bricas, ed., DuALIne : Durabilité de l’alimentation face à de nouveaux enjeux. Questions à la recherche, Versailles : Ed. Quae, p. 165-181, 2011. |
"What Are European Union Trade Preferences Worth for Sub-Saharan African and Other Developing Countries" with Fabien Candau, in Trade Preference Erosion: Measurement And Policy Response, edited by B. Hoekman, W. Martin and C.A. Primo Braga, Palgrave-McMillan and The World Bank, 2009, pp. 65-102. |
"La Pac et la négociation OMC" with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Alexandre Gohin, complement in Perspectives agricoles en France et en Europe, report by Dominique Bureau and Philippe Chalmin for the Conseil d'Analyse Economique, La Documentation Française, Paris, 2007, pp. 109-124. |
"Tariff Data" with Antoine Bouët, Yvan Decreux, David Laborde and Lionel Fontagné, in Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 6 Data Base, edited by B. Dimaranan, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University, 2006. |
"Explaining Regionalisation via Relative Trade Intensities" with Guillaume Gaulier and Deniz Unal-Kesenci, in Assessment and Measurement of Regional Integration, edited by Philippe de Lombaerde, Routledge, London, 2006, pp. 86-106. |
"Consequences of Agricultural Tariff Cuts Using Alternative Formulas" with David Laborde and Will Martin, in Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, edited by K. Anderson and W. Martin, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan and Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006, pp. 81-116. |
"Is Erosion of Preferences A Serious Concern?" with Antoine Bouët and Lionel Fontagné, in Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, edited by K. Anderson and W. Martin, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan and Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006, pp. 161-192. |
"Régionalisme et régionalisation" with Guillaume Gaulier and Deniz Unal-Kesenci, in L'économie mondiale 2006, La Découverte, Paris, 2005, pp. 84-95. |
"La libéralisation du commerce agricole et les pays en développement" with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Estelle Gozlan, in Les politiques agricoles sont-elles condamnées par la mondialisation ?, edited by Pierre Rainelli, IFRI, Paris, 2005, pp. 225-268. |
"La libéralisation agricole : des effets ambigus sur les pays en développement" with Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Yvan Decreux, in Bensidoun I. and Chevallier A. (eds.), L'économie mondiale 2005, La découverte, Paris, 2004. |
"What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-1992", with the collaboration of Olivier Bontout, in Trade, Investment, Migration and Labour Market Adjustment, edited by David Greenaway, Richard Upward and Katharine Wakelin, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2002. |
"The Effect of International Trade on Labour-Demand Elasticities: Intersectoral Matters" in Globalization and Labor Markets, edited by E. Kwan Choi and D. Greenaway, Blackwell Publishers, Malden (MA), 2001, pp. 132-144. |
"Trade and the Labour Market: the French Case", in Trade and Jobs in Europe: Much Ado about Nothing" with Olivier Cortes and Jean Pisani-Ferry, edited by M. Dewatripont, A. Sapir and K. Sekkat, Oxford University Press, 1999. |
"Does Competition from Emerging Countries Threaten Unskilled Labour in Europe? An Applied General Equilibrium Approach" with Olivier Cortes, in Global Trade and European Workers, edited by P. Brenton and J. Pelkmans, Macmillan, London, 1998, pp. 96-122. |
"La concurrence des pays émergents menace-t-elle le travail des non-qualifiés en Europe ? Une analyse prospective par un modèle d'équilibre général" with Olivier Cortes, in Commerce Nord-Sud, migration et délocalisation Conséquences pour l'emploi et les salaires, edited by J. de Melo and P. Guillaumont, Economica, Paris, pp. 159-182, 1997. |
"Le défi de l'emploi dans les pays du Nord" with Olivier Cortes, in L'Economie mondiale 1995, La Découverte, 1994. |
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"Beyond Target: Indirect Impacts of Antidumping", with Kevin Lefebvre, CEPII Working Paper, N°2024-10 |
"Love of Variety and Gains from Trade", with Christophe Gouel, CEPII Working Paper, N°2021-09, December 2021 |
"Institutions and Customs Duty Evasion", with Cristina Mitaritonna and Antoine Vatan, CEPII Working Paper, N°2018-24, December 2018 |
"Firms' Exports, Volatility and Skills: Evidence from France", with Maria Bas, Pamela Bombarda and Gianluca Orefice, CEPII Working Paper, N°2018-20, December 2018 |
"Institutions and Customs Duty Evasion", with Cristina Mitaritonna and Antoine Vatan, CEPII Working Paper, N°2018-24, December 2018 |
"T20 resilience and inclusive growth", with Kazumasa Iwata, Sébastien Jean, Christian Kastrop, Chris Loewald, and Nicolas Véron, Economics Discussion Papers, No 2017-94, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, October 2017. |
"Agricultural Trade Liberalization in the 21st Century: Has it Done the Business?", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard, CEPII Working Paper, N°2017-11, June 2017. |
"Co-ordination in Tense Times: Issues for the G7", with Anne-Laure Delatte, IAI Working Papers 17|20, April 2017, IAI, Roma |
"Competing Liberalizations: Tariffs and Trade in the 21st Century", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Houssein Guimbard, CEPII Working Paper 2016-12, May 2016, CEPII. |
"Do Regional Trade Agreements Really Boost Trade? Estimates for Agricultural Products", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, CEPII Working Paper 2015- 09 , June 2015 , CEPII |
"Do Yesterday’s Disciplines Fit Today’s Farm Trade? Challenges and Possible Adjustments for the Multilateral Trading System", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Issue Paper for the E15 Initiative, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2013 |
"Trade Liberalization in the Bio-Economy: Coping with a New Landscape", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, CEPII Working Paper 2013-15. |
"International Agricultural Trade and Negotiations : Coping with a New Landscape", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, FOODSECURE Working Paper No. 8, 2013. |
"MAcMap-HS6 2007, an exhaustive and consistent measure of applied protection in 2007", with Houssein Guimbard, Mondher Mimouni and Xavier Pichot, CEPII Working Paper, 2012-10. |
"Optimal food price stabilisation in a small open developing country", with Christophe Gouël, Policy Research Working Paper Series 5943, The World Bank, 2012. |
"The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Trade in Agricultural Products" with Jean-Christophe Bureau, TAD/TC/CA/WP(2012)2, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD, 2012. |
"Determinants and pervasiveness of custom duties evasion", with Cristina Mitaritonna, TradeAG Working Paper and CEPII Working Paper 2010-26, December 2010. |
"Formulas and Flexibility in Trade Negotiations - Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO’s Doha Agenda", with David Laborde and Will Martin, Policy Research Working Paper 5200, The World Bank, February 2010. |
"The Effects at Home of Initiating Production Abroad: Evidence from Matched French Firms", with Alex Hijzen and Thierry Mayer, CEPII Working Paper 2009-39, December 2009. |
"Formulas and Flexibilities in Trade Negotiations: The Case of Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO", with David Laborde and Will Martin, CEPII Working Paper, 2008. Also published as IFPRI Working Paper. |
"Immigrants’ Integration In OECD Countries: Does Labour Market Policy Matter?", with Orsetta Causa, OECD Economics Department Working Paper 564, July 2007. |
"The Unemployment Impact of Immigration in OECD Countries", with Miguel Jimenez, OECD Economics Department Working Paper 563, July 2007. |
"Migration in OECD Countries: Labour Market Impact and Integration Issues", main author, in collaboration with Orsetta Causa, Miguel Jimenez and Isabelle Wanner, OECD Economics Department Working Paper 562, July 2007. |
"What Are EU Trade Preferences Worth for Sub-Saharan Africa and Other Developing Countries", with Fabien Candau, CEPII Working Paper 2005-19 and TradeAG Working Paper 05-09. |
"Concessions and Exemptions For Developing Countries in the Agricultural Negotiations: The Role of the Special and Differential Treatment", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Alan Matthews, TradeAG Working Paper 05-06, October 2005. |
"Binding Overhang and Tariff-Cutting Formulas: A Systematic, World-Wide Quantitative Assessment", with Mohamed Hedi B'chir and David Laborde, TradeAG Working Paper 05-01 and CEPII Working Paper 2005-18, October 2005. |
"International Trade and Income Distribution: Reconsidering the Evidence", with Isabelle Bensidoun and Aude Sztulman, CEPII Working Paper 2005-17, October 2005. |
"Sensitive Products: Selection and Implications for Agricultural Trade Negotiations", with David Laborde and Will Martin, TradeAG Working Paper 05-02 and CEPII Working Paper 2005-15, October 2005. |
"Is Erosion of Preferences A Serious Concern?" with Antoine Bouët and Lionel Fontagné, CEPII Working Paper 2005-14, August 2005. |
"Market Access in Non-Agricultural Goods: What Is at Stake in the Development Round?", with Mohamed Hedi Bchir and Lionel Fontagné, CEPII Working Paper 2005-12, July 2005. |
"The Consequences of Agricultural Trade Liberalization For Developing Countries: Distinguishing Between Genuine Benefits and False Hopes", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence Discussion Paper Number 2, April 2005, Institute for International Integration Studies, Dublin. Also published as CEPII Working Paper 2005-13. |
"MAcMap-HS6: A Consistent, Ad-Valorem Equivalent Measure of Applied Protection Across The World", with Antoine Bouët, Yvan Decreux, David Laborde and Lionel Fontagné, CEPII Working Paper 2004-22, December 2004. |
"European Regions Faced With Trade Policies: A CGE Assessment", with David Laborde, CEPII Working Paper 2004-20, November 2004. |
"Assessing the Impact of Multilateral Agricultural Liberalization: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round", with Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Yvan Decreux, CEPII Working Paper 2004-18, November 2004. |
"Regionalism and the Regionalisation of International Trade", with Guillaume Gaulier and Deniz Unal-Kenseci, CEPII Working Paper 2004-16, November 2004. |
"Regulation and wage premia", with Giuseppe Nicoletti, CEPII Working Paper 2004-12, also published as Centre for Research on Globalisation and Labour Markets Research Paper, No. 2004-26, September 2004. |
"Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Scenarios for the New Round and Assessment", with Lionel Fontagné and Jean-Louis Guérin, CEPII Working Paper 2003-12, September 2003. |
"MIRAGE, A CGE Model for Trade Policy Analysis", with Mohamed-Hedi Bchir, Yvan Decreux and Jean-Louis Guérin, CEPII Working Paper 2002-17, December 2002. |
"Product Market Regulation and Sectoral Wage Premia in Europe and North America: An Empirical Investigation", with Giuseppe Nicoletti, OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 318, January 2002. |
"Product and Labour Market Interactions in OECD Countries", with Giuseppe Nicoletti (main author), Andrea Bassanini, Ekkehard Ernst, Paulo Santiago and Paul Swaim, OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 312, December 2001. |
"International Trade and Firms' Heterogeneity Under Monopolistic Competition", CEPII Working Paper, No. 2000-13, September 2000. |
"Syndrome, miracle, modèle polder et autres spécificités néerlandaises : quels enseignements pour l'emploi en France ?", Document d'études, No. 38, DARES, also published as CEPII Working Paper, No. 2000-12, July 2000. |
"The Effect of International Trade on Labour-Demand Elasticities: Intersectoral Matters", CEPII Working Paper, No. 2000-07, May 2000. |
"What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-1992", with the collaboration of Olivier Bontout, CEPII Working Paper, No. 2000-03, January 2000. |
"Wages and Unemployment: The Impact of Trade and Technology Under Different Labour Market Paradigms", with Olivier Bontout, CEPII Working Paper, No. 98-13, also published as Centre for Research on Globalisation and Labour Markets Research Paper, No. 99-6, December 1998 . |
"Le marché du travail britannique vu de France", with Michel Fouquin and Aude Sztulman, CEPII Working Paper, No. 98-11, October 1998. |
"Sensibilité des salaires relatifs aux chocs de commerce international et de progrès technique, une évaluation d'équilibre général", main author, with the collaboration of Olivier Bontout, CEPII Working Paper, No. 98-09, September 1998. |
"Quel est l'impact du commerce extérieur sur la productivité et l'emploi ? Une analyse comparée des cas de la France, de l'Allemagne et des Etats-Unis", with Olivier Cortes, Document d'études, No. 13, Dares, also published as CEPII Working Paper, No. 97-08, May 1997. |
"The Impact of Regionalisation on Employment: The Case of ASEAN" with Olivier Cortes, Michel Fouquin and Lynn Mytelka, ILO Employment Papers, No. 9, International Labour Organisation, 1997. |
"Pays émergents, emploi déficient ?", with Olivier Cortes, CEPII Working Paper, No. 96-05, April 1996. |
"Trade and the Labour Market : the French Case", with Olivier Cortes and Jean Pisani-Ferry, CEPII Working Paper, No. 96-04, March 1996. |
"Commerce international, emploi et salaires", with Olivier Cortes, CEPII Working Paper, No. 94-08, August 1994. |
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"Rapport de la commission d'évaluation du projet d'accord UE Mercosur", en collaboration, rapport au Premier ministre, septembre 2020. |
"Trade and Biodiversity", Report for the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA), with Cecilia Bellora, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Basak Bayramoglu and Estelle Gozlan, June 2020 |
"Why trade, and what would be the consequences of protectionism?", with Ariell Reshef, report for the European Parliament, June 2017. |
"The market opportunities for the EU agri-food sector in a possible EU - US trade agreement" with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Anne-Célia Disdier, Charlotte Emlinger, Gabriel Felbermayr (coord.), Lionel Fontagné and Jean Fouré, report for the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture, March 2014. |
"The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Trade in Agricultural Products" with Jean-Christophe Bureau, TAD/TC/CA/WP(2012)2, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD, 2012. |
"Implications for the European Union of the May 2008 Draft Agricultural Modalities" with Tim Josling and David Laborde, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2008. |
"Migration in OECD Countries: Labour Market Impact and Integration Issues" main author, in collaboration with Orsetta Causa, Miguel Jimenez and Isabelle Wanner, ECO/CPE/WP1(2006)13, Economic Policy Committee, OECD. |
"The Regionalisation of International Trade and Investment" with Guillaume Gaulier and Deniz-Unal Kesenci, Report for the DG Trade, European Commission, April 2004. |
"The Utilisation of Preferences in the EU" with Fabien Candau and Lionel Fontagné, Report for the World Bank, March 2004. |
"European Regions Faced With Trade Policies: A CGE assessment" with David Laborde, Report for the DG Trade, European Commission, December 2003. |
"Comparing the Proposed Modalities of Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in the Doha Round" with Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Yvan Decreux, Report for the DG Trade, European Commission, September 2003. |
"Ce qu'il faut savoir sur les MEGC" with Antoine Bouët, Lionel Fontagné and Jean-Louis Guérin, Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, December 2000. |
"Les conséquences d'un accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et le Mercosur" in collaboration, Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February 2002. |
"Les conséquences économiques d’un accord transatlantique de libre-échange" in collaboration, Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February 2002. |
"Les conséquences économiques d'un accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et les pays membres du programme Euromed" in collaboration, Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February 2002. |
"Product and Labour Market Interactions in OECD Countries" with Giuseppe Nicoletti (main author), Andre Bassanini, Ekkehard Ernst, Paulo Santiago and Paul Swaim, Report prepared for the Economic Policy Committee, ECO/CPE/WP1(2001), OECD, October 2001. |
"The Impact of Globalisation on Employment in Industrialised Countries: a Survey " Report prepared for the Statistical Working Party, Industry Committee, DSTI/EAS/IND/SWP(2001)7, OECD, March 2001. |
"Comparaisons internationales de coûts salariaux" with Olivier Cortes and Michel Fouquin, Report for the Instance d'évaluation de la Loi quinquennale sur l'emploi, July 1996. |
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"Posts on CEPII’s blog
", on various issues linked to international economic policy. |
"Les entreprises doivent composer avec les politiques publiques de souveraineté et de sécurité économique", Le Monde (web), 13 September 2024. |
"Le protectionnisme divise à l'extrême
", Le Monde, 23-24 juin 2024. |
"Le repli n'est pas une solution", Le Monde, 14-15 avril 2024 |
"[AUDIO] La géoéconomie à l'épreuve des rivalités de puissance", Le monde selon l’Ifri, podcast, Ifri. |
"Dominance on World Markets: the China Conundrum", with Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni & Vincent Vicard, CEPII Policy Brief 2023- 44, 2023, CEPII |
"Découplage impossible, coopération improbable. Les interdépendances économiques à l’épreuve des rivalités de puissance", with Thomas Gomart, Études de l'Ifri, novembre 2023. |
"Impossible Decoupling, Improbable Cooperation: Economic Interdependencies in the Face of Power Rivalries", with Thomas Gomart, Études de l'Ifri, November 2023. |
"The US Inflation Reduction Act: How the EU is affected and how it should react", in collaboration, VoxEU, 17 October 2023. |
"[VIDEO] L’industrie française au défi des transitions écologiques", leçon inaugurale de la chaire Jean-Baptiste Say d'économie industrielle, CNAM.
Slides : https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3snmlsb07xzhv7/Jean%20S%20-%20Le%C3%A7on%20inaugurale%20-%20pr%C3%A9s.pdf?dl=0 |
"The Inflation Reduction Act: How should the EU react?", in collaboration, under coordination of Camille Landais and Monika Schnitzer, CAE-GCEE Joint Statement, 21 September 2023. |
"Le système commercial multilatéral doit mieux garantir la liberté d’action climatique
", avec Denis Tersen, Le Monde (web), 9 juillet 2023 |
"Climat et commerce : pour un multilatéralisme en commun", with Denis Tersen, Terra Nova, Note, June 2023 |
"Débordement : la mondialisation en désordre", Le Grand Continent, 18 May 2023 |
"Protectionnisme : on lui a taillé un costume trop grand pour lui", entretien avec Valérie Péan, Sésame 2022/2 (N° 12), p. 46-49 |
"No business as usual with China", with Mikko Huotari, Politico, 29 July 2022 |
"Bolstering Europe’s Economic Strategy vis-à-vis China", with Mikko Huotari, Les notes du Conseil d’analyse économique, n° 72, July 2022 |
"Renforcer la stratégie économique de l’Europe vis-à-vis de la Chine", with Mikko Huotari, Les notes du Conseil d’analyse économique, n° 72, July 2022 |
"Les choix industriels de nos entreprises doivent être réorientés vers l’activité sur le territoire", Le Monde, 5 juin 2022 |
"Dissecting EU‐China Economic Relations", with Mikko Huotari, Kevin Parra Ramirez and Madeleine Péron, Focus n° 86, July 2022 |
"Les multinationales françaises, fer de lance du commerce extérieur français, mais aussi de sa dégradation", avec Pierre Cotterlaz et Vincent Vicard, La Lettre du CEPII 427, mai 2022 |
"La géopolitique fait un retour brutal dans le monde des affaires ", Le Monde, 3 avril 2022 |
"Si l’impact économique des sanctions est souvent évident, leur efficacité politique l’est beaucoup moins", Le Monde, 11 février 2022 |
"Le triple défi de la politique commerciale", in Présidentielle 2022, IFRI |
"L’impératif de limitation des dépendances prend une place nouvelle dans les stratégies commerciales", Le Monde, 14 mai 2021 |
"La folle histoire de la mondialisation", avec Isabelle Bensidoun et Enzo, éditions Les Arènes BD, 2021, 245 pages.
Prix 2022 du meilleur livre d’économie de l’AFSE, catégorie manuel.
Prix lycéen du livre de SES, 2021-2022. |
"Le commerce européen dans la crise sanitaire : des problèmes de dépendance plus que de vulnérabilité", with Cecilia Bellora and Clémence Bois, La Lettre du CEPII 412, novembre 2020 |
"Relocaliser, réindustrialiser : dans quels buts ?", with Vincent Vicard, La lettre du CEPII 410, septembre 2020 |
"How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Reshaping the Trade Landscape and What to Do About It", Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy, Vol. 55, No. 3, May-June 2020 |
"The ‘Phase One Deal’: a truce that creates more problems than it solves", CEPII Policy Brief 2020-29, CEPII, January 2020 |
"Phase One Deal : une trêve qui crée plus de problèmes qu’elle n’en résout", CEPII Policy Brief 2020-29-FR, CEPII, January 2020 |
"Comment répondre aux nouveaux défis de la politique commerciale européenne ?", Confrontations Europe, Revue 127 – octobre/décembre 2019, p. 16-17 |
"EU competition policy should not be sacrificed but trade policy should be strengthened", with Anne Perrot and Thomas Philippon, Vox, CEPR’s Policy Portal, 18 June 2019 |
"Concurrence et commerce : quelles politiques pour l’Europe ?", with Anne Perrot and Thomas Philippon, Note du CAE 51, May 2019 |
"Competition and Trade: Which Policies for Europe?", with Anne Perrot and Thomas Philippon, CAE Report 51, May 2019 |
"L’Europe face aux guerres commerciales", in Elections européennes 2019 : les grands débats, sous la direction de Thomas Gomart et Marc Hecker, février 2019, IFRI, p. 11-14 |
"Europe and the challenge of trade wars", in European Elections 2019 : Structuring the Debate, edited by Thomas Gomart and Thomas Hecker, février 2019, IFRI, p. 9-10 |
"L’étonnante atonie des exportations françaises : retour sur la compétitivité et ses déterminants", with Charlotte Emlinger and Vincent Vicard, CEPII Policy Brief 24, February 2019 |
"The surprising sluggishness of French exports: reviewing competitiveness and its determinants", with Charlotte Emlinger and Vincent Vicard, CEPII Policy Brief 24, February 2019 |
"L’étonnante atonie des exportations françaises", with Charlotte Emlinger and Vincent Vicard, La Lettre du CEPII 395, January 2019 |
"How Far Will Trump Protectionism Push Up Inflation?", with Gianluca Santoni, CEPII Policy Brief 2018-23, December 2018 |
"Dans le conflit commercial imposé par les Etats-Unis à la Chine, l’UE ne peut pas rester spectatrice", Le Monde, 15 August 2018 |
"Avis de tempête sur le commerce international : quelle stratégie pour l’Europe ? ", with Philippe Martin and André Sapir, CAE Report No. 46, July 2018 |
"International trade under attack : what strategy for Europe ?", with Philippe Martin and André Sapir, CAE Report No. 46, July 2018 |
"Un chiffrage de l’impact des mesures de protection commerciale de Donald Trump", with Cecilia Bellora and Gianluca Santoni, La Lettre du CEPII 388, juin 2018 |
"Il n'y a pas de pays riches fermés
", Le Monde, 12 April 2018 |
"Il faut répondre à Trump par la politique", Le Monde, 10 March 2018 |
"Politique commerciale : au-delà des postures, comment défendre les intérêts de la France ?", in « L'agenda diplomatique du nouveau président », Études de l'Ifri, April 2017 |
"Trade Policy: Beyond Posturing, How to Defend French Interests?", in “Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next French President”, Études de l'Ifri, April 2017 |
"Le ralentissement du commerce mondial : une rupture structurelle porteuse d’incertitudes", Question d’Europe n°421, 13 Février 2017, Fondation Robert Schuman |
"The Slowing in World Trade: a structural break, the cause of uncertainty", European issues n°421, 14th February 2017, Fondation Robert Schuman. |
"La fin du libre-échange a-t-elle sonné ?", Sciences Humaines, janvier 2017 |
"La double incohérence du protectionnisme selon Donald Trump", Challenges, janvier 2017 |
"La concurrence fiscale puissance quatre voulue par les républicains américains", La Tribune, 16 janvier 2017 |
"Commerce international : Il est temps de passer à la négociation politique entre l'Union européenne et la Chine" avec Cecilia Bellora, L’Opinion, 12 décembre 2016 |
"La politique commerciale européenne au risque de la « paralysie »", Le Monde (version électronique), 8 November 2016 (reproduit sur le blog du CEPII) |
"Trump dans le magasin de porcelaine des relations commerciales internationales", La Tribune, 11 November 2016 |
"Granting market economy status to China in the EU: An economic impact assessment", with Cecilia Bellora, CEPII Policy Brief, September 2016. |
"Pas de printemps pour le commerce mondial" Confrontations Europe, juillet-août 2016, pp. 18-19. |
"Le commerce international de produits agricoles : réflexions sur les évolutions récentes" Dossiers de l’environnement 36, INRA, February 2016. |
"Enforcement of FTAs: lessons for TPP and new trade agreements", with Kevin Lefebvre, Borderlex, 6 January 2016 |
"L’agriculture française à l’heure des choix ", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Lionel Fontagné, Les notes du conseil d’analyse économique, n° 27, December 2015 |
"Comment expliquer les contreperformances de l’agriculture française ?", with Jean-Christophe Bureau and Lionel Fontagné, Focus 010-2015, Conseil d’analyse économique, December 2015 |
"Les règles du Partenariat Transpacifique seront-elles vraiment contraignantes ?", with Kevin Lefebvre, La Tribune, 15 December 2015 |
"Face au choc du Partenariat transpacifique, l’Union européenne doit garder son cap", LeMonde.fr, 13 October 2015 |
"After TPP: the EU shouldn’t rush into concluding TTIP", Borderlex, 13 October 2015 |
"Les ambitions géoéconomiques et les limites politiques du Partenariat transatlantique", Diplomatie, No. 76, septembre-octobre 2015, pp. 43-47. |
"Le ralentissement du commerce mondial annonce un changement de tendance", La Lettre du CEPII, No. 356, September 2015 |
"Deux principes pour redéfinir le cadre contentieux de l’investissement international", LeMonde.fr, 13 May 2015 |
"L’Europe prisonnière de l’obsession de la compétitivité", Le Monde, 22 April 2015 |
"Traité transatlantique : une harmonisation règlementaire ardue", La Tribune, 24 April 2015 |
"La compétitivité-prix explique-t-elle les performances à l’exportation de la France et de ses partenaires ?", with Matthieu Bussière and Guillaume Gaulier, La lettre du CEPII, No. 349, December 2014. |
"TTIP is about regulatory coherence", with Lionel Fontagné, Vox, CEPR’s Policy Portal, 16 November 2014. |
"OMC : oublier le cycle de Doha ?", La Tribune, 12 November 2014 |
"Les investissements étrangers en France : biais statistiques et astuces comptables", with Farid toubal, Le Monde.fr, 3 February 2014 |
"Les nouvelles règles du commerce international restent à définir", Le Monde, 21 January 2014 |
"L’accord de Bali est d’une portée limitée et a surtout sauvé le crédit de l’OMC", entretien, Le Monde, 10 December 2013. |
"L'OMC en quête d'un avenir", with Lionel Fontagné, La lettre du CEPII 337, November 2013. |
"Les transformations des échanges agricoles bousculent l'agenda multilatéral ", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, La lettre du CEPII 336, October 2013. |
"Transatlantic Trade: Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences?", with Lionel Fontagné and Julien Gourdon, CEPII Policy Brief 1, September 2013. |
"Les enjeux économiques et commerciaux du partenariat transatlantique ", with Lionel Fontagné and Julien Gourdon, La lettre du CEPII 335, September 2013. |
"Le Cycle de l’OMC : pourquoi pédale-t-on ?", with Lionel Fontagné, Telos Agence intellectuelle (Telos-eu.com), 24 December 2005. |
"L’interminable ouverture des marchés agricoles", with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Telos Agence intellectuelle (Telos-eu.com), 12 December 2005. |
"La libéralisation agricole : des effets ambigus sur les pays en développement", with Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Yvan Decreux, La lettre du Cepii, No. 236, July-August 2004. |
"Les enjeux d’une libéralisation commerciale multilatérale" Ecoflash 188, May 2004. |
"Le cycle de Doha en perspective" Ecoflash 187, April 2004. |
"Assessing the Sustainability Impact of Trade Liberalisations", Dossier in Economie internationale, No. 99, edited jointly with Nina Kousnetzoff, 2004. |
"Les technologies de l'information et de la communication en perspective internationale", Special Issue of Economie internationale, No. 98, edited jointly with Gilbert Cette, 2004. |
"Cancún, les leçons d'un échec" Le Monde, 14 October 2003. |
"OMC : bas de cycle" La lettre du Cepii, No. 226, September 2003. |
"L'innovation défensive : de l'intuition à la formulation théorique" Comments on Mathias Thoenig and Thierry Verdier's "Innovation défensive et concurrence internationale", Economie et statistique, No. 363-364-365, 2003. |
"MIRAGE -A Model for Trade Policy Analysis", Cepii Newsletter, 2nd Semester 2002. |
"Accès au marché : quels objectifs après Doha ?", with Lionel Fontagné and Jean-Louis Guérin, La lettre du Cepii, No. 211, April 2002. |
"Emploi : les enseignements de l'expérience néerlandaise", La lettre du Cepii, No. 187, Cepii, and Premières informations et premières synthèses, No. 09.1, French Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, February 2000. |
"Employment: The Lessons from the Netherlands", Cepii Newsletter, 1st Semester 2000. |
"Commerce international et marché du travail" Ph.D. dissertation, Université de Paris-I, May 1999. |
"Le marché du travail britannique vu de France", with Michel Fouquin and Aude Sztulman, La lettre du Cepii, No. 167, April 1998. |
"Les pays à bas salaires menacent-ils l'emploi ?" Ecoflash, No. 122, November 1997. |
"Commerce extérieur, productivité et emploi", with Olivier Cortes, La lettre du Cepii, No. 160, September 1997. |
"International Trade, Productivity and Employment" with Olivier Cortes, Cepii Newsletter, 2nd Semester 1997. |
"Les coûts salariaux en France, en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis", with Olivier Cortes and Michel Fouquin, La lettre du Cepii, No. 151, November 1996, re-published in Problèmes économiques, No. 2517, April 1997. |
"Disparités des salaires et échange international : le cas des Etats-Unis" with Olivier Cortes, La Lettre du Cepii, No.121, February 1994. |